It didn’t take long for me to realize that our banquette was sitting on of top rotten plywood.
I knew the subfloor was shot the first time we stepped inside Riva. Most people would never realize it’s a problem until they actually see the damage, so it’s important to notice how the flooring feels when you step into a vintage camper.
Does it feel soft or creek when stepped on? A subfloor should feel solid and firm. If it doesn’t, then you’ll most likely need to replace a section or two somewhere down the line.
While the previous owner had constructed a fine banquette, it still didn’t hide the fact that it took up too much room and that was sitting right on top of the worst section of subfloor.
The entire subfloor in the front-end cap needed to be replaced, which meant the banquette had to go and something else put in its place.
Up until now, we had every intention of repurposing the banquette into our redesign, but soon realized that keeping it would’ve been a bad move.
In lieu of the banquette, we decided to go with a futon, which would provide a nice couch and sleeping area. We would eat outdoors mostly, and if it was raining, we could sit on the futon couch and use TV trays. The banquette was difficult to get in and out of anyway.