- Replaced roof vents (the one above the bathroom was a Vienna Sausage can installed by a previous owner!)
- Replaced or repainted all vents on the exterior walls of the trailer, replaced all screens to keep creepy crawlers out!
- Sealed all windows and reshaped the "eyebrow" shades above each window as many had been bent over time
- Removed all fixtures, tub, sink, countertop and cabinet from bathroom
- Primed and painted the interior of the kitchen closet where the hot water heater and refrigerator will go, along with the area that will be used as a pantry
- Primed and painted the bathroom

- Fiberglass repair to tub, sink and countertop
- Applied preliminary coats of Tubby to tub and bathroom sink/counter
- Painted the interior of the entry door and used chalkboard paint for the swing out portion that exposes the screen door
- Installed hot water heater (although it is not hooked up yet, just mounted in the closet area in the kitchen, curbside)
- Installed Astradome (had to create a new frame, purchase and attach new lifters first!)
- Installed Fantastic Fan vent in the rear cabin

- Finish applying the Tubby coating to the tub and bathroom sink/countertop, let dry as long as possible before installing back in trailer
- Build box/shelf around hot water heater to support refrigerator above
- Install plumbing and holding tanks for gray water
- Install tub, counter, sink, faucets and cabinets into bathroom
- Make shower curtain and rear cabin divider curtain (thank you, Polly!)
- Install remaining window screens
- Install screen for entry door and apply weather stripping
- Install new tires and hubcaps
- Rivet Riva's underbelly so it doesn't come loose again like it did on our way home from Key West
- Install 12 volt battery
- Remove and wash all dishes, utensils, bedding
- Do a good bug bombing now that all the holes and cracks have been sealed
- Clean interior
- Wash exterior
- Remove the fence panel in the backyard so we can hitch Riva up and move her up front
- Create a menu plan and go shopping for food and supplies
- Pack up all our food, supplies, equipment, bikes
I hope we can get all this accomplished in the limited amount of time we have left. Wish us luck!
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