So, the reason you haven't heard much about Riva lately is because we've been up to our eyeballs in a kitchen remodel.
It has taken a lot out of us, and all the takeout and restaurant food has added a few inches to our waistlines :(
After 4-plus months, a lot of swearing, and help from family and friends, our "Do-It-Yourself" kitchen is nearing completion. We just have a few finishing touches to make, but overall, she's done.
The cabinets and sink were upcycled from another home that was being remodeled. The cabinets were a light oak and we painted them white. The flooring is porcelain tile that looks like hand-scraped wood planks, leftover from my parents' remodel (thanks Mom & Dad!). The Formica countertops and GE Artistry appliances are new. And her curtains match Riva's, leftover fabric from that job. (Thanks, Polly!)